Ancient Star Languages

Grandmother Upon the Hill. Welcomes You Home, Prophecy Tome

Grandmother Upon the Hill. Welcomes You Home, Prophecy Tome. Hear the Sounds all Around. It's the Place Dreams Abound, Joy of Dawn!

Here I stand to make it Man, the place inside our hearts. Can you feel the rushing waves, the sounds of love's embrace. I gift to you my heart this day, to hold you close to me. There I stand to heal all Man, because it's time for us to swim, heavenly will has bent. I bow and bless you in the winds, across the portals of time. There we sail to know the whale/wail, to learn of gifts to begin.

Grandmother Upon the Hill Sings

Grandmother Upon the Hill Sings
Grandmother Upon the Hill "Pipe Song" sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman

The first code Grandmother Upon the Hill found was the Rainbow Bible

"I read it from the back to the front. I see buffalo at the beginning. Then at the end, I fly over head and I am seeing buffalo everywhere".

Relatives, I pray now for the wisdom to communicate our dire needs and ask for our family to return as one and pray for those who do not understand the buffalo code. Grandmother Upon the Hill

Relatives, the Buffalo Code is a honor of brotherhood. We each carry four rainbow colors, our holy temple, called the buffalo home, that houses our soul. It is a time of revelation, for nothing is hidden anymore, the inner light is shown ( Buffalo know their tomes (shout outs). We understand that the dreaming is together, in all sorts of weather, the buffalo rumble to go home! White Buffalo Calf Woman

Pointing To Your Heart, Buffalo Start

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Song on the Wave

Grandmother Upon the Hill photograph
On Mon, Jun 25, 2012, Grandmother Upon the Hill wrote:

Dear White Buffalo Calf Woman,

For the children to learn. My best example in pictures of our Spirit in the Sky

The song of songs now I sing, as the only way is always offer something more, than blessings sometimes is needed.

These pictures were allowed me to take
from the spirits own sake, for I asked before I tried, if I could show others what my own eyes were seeing, as this is a way for more to start believing.
Grandmother Upon the Hill photograph

What you will see is total faith in dreaming.  They are real and no deceiving. This was what I can provide (with my eyes).

Children step right up and see, you wanted proof then here look free. The spirit is watching you and even me. None escape nasty behavior from the see/sea (envisioned in our dreams and day dreams). We are not empty bone sacks with a heart. We are life on foot to explore.  We are here to learn some more.  

Grandmother Upon the Hill photograph
Wide is the river shore to shore. Never give up if you can hold on (for more). If you must let go, do it in song. Yes we all will some day lie down and stay, until then you must play. Work harder and feed the hungry along your way.

Do not fight and strike each other (instead) give hugs and love when reunited.  This is how we treat our brother, sister and father, mother. Respect the elders one and all.

Remember they done the hard way what was handed to you, this way is through.
Grandmother Upon the Hill photograph
Someone has to re-train you, listen up and we will get through.

Stop with the old and look around,  all around listen to the sound. To begin again notice what I showed you, there are many more sacred views. Then think what is the basic things you need, to keep alive your precious seed, I mean family. 

Toys are not what is needed now, sell that extra car and feed someone in need, that preserves the seed.

Grandmother Upon the Hill photograph
Love each other. Do for, if not look again at the who. Want to stand that day in dismay
or happy you led (a) good life every day. Choose this day.  It is truth (and it) won't never go away. That is really all I can say.

The pictures rule the wave!

Grandmother Upon the Hill
gray child of the rainbow
rainbow warriors of prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Grandmother Upon the Hill photograph
Here I stand to make it Man, the place inside our hearts. Can you feel the rushing waves, the sounds of love's embrace. I gift to you my heart this day, to hold you close to me. There I stand to heal all Man, because it's time for us to swim, heavenly will has bent. I bow and bless you in the winds, across the portals of time. There we sail to know the whale/wail, to learn of gifts to begin.